In the midst of the turbulent times in which we live and in light of what we believe about the Gospel, how should we respond to cultural decline?

The forces of secularism are waging war against traditional Christian values. In some respects, Christ-followers are torn between taking a stand and being paralyzed by fear. The answer is not to run and hide. The solution is not to be shrill and offensive.

What our nation needs are men and women who have encountered the living God in a personal way – people who aren’t looking for power, position, or privilege but are willing to engage the culture no matter the cost. We need a thoughtful and deliberate approach that rests on this firm foundation – In God We Trust.

In the weeks leading up to the general election, let me encourage each of us to do the following:

Let’s focus on Truth rather than trivialities. We must consider how the positions of our political leaders align with Biblical Truth rather than focusing on our personal preference or political affiliation. Our task is not to align with a political ideology or person but to prayerfully discern which political leaders will most likely support the Constitution and religious liberty.

Let’s demonstrate the character of Christ in our words, actions, and deeds. We must not engage in character assassination of those with whom we disagree or use bombastic words or antics laced with hateful undertones. Those who see the world through a lens other than Christianity are still precious in the sight of their Creator. We must extend grace and kindness regardless of political affiliation, religious preference, or personal behaviors.

Let’s boldly engage the political process in a responsible and informed manner. Study the issues carefully. Contrast your beliefs with the opposing point of view. Once you are confident in your positions, find a place for your voice to be heard and season your words with compassion and concern. Simply stated, let’s learn to present a compelling argument and practice the art of disagreeing agreeably.

Let’s remember that God appoints the rulers of all societies. While we care deeply about our faith and our country, we will not presume to declare who God’s favorite political party or leader is. The Bible reminds us, “He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.”

Let’s pray faithfully for our elected officials and those pursuing office. Charles Spurgeon said, “Prayer is the slender nerve that moves the omnipotent muscle of God.” The Apostle Paul admonishes believers saying, “I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.”

There’s no disputing that we live in turbulent times. We are already feeling the outer bands of a massive storm seeking to devastate the institutions and ideals that Christ-followers have treasured for generations.

It’s time to dust off the hurricane map, put a game plan together, and anchor deep. Your children are watching. Your friends and neighbors are studying your countenance. They’re looking for answers. Don’t miss this opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a lost and dying world.

If you still need a copy of In God We Trust, please visit Amazon or the TFA School Store.

This blog has been adapted from In God We Trust: Five Anchor Points in Turbulent Times by Dr. Steve Whitaker and Matt McGee. This week, Upper School house groups will be discussing this topic with their teachers and classmates.