Written by Dr. Steve Whitaker, Head of School

As we run the race toward the finish of the 2016-2017 school year, the path ahead can seem filled with many hurdles to jump before reaching summer freedom. With all of the final projects and testing, special events, and celebrations that come with the end of the school year, I wanted to share Three Keys for Finishing Well.

1. Keep a positive attitude even when it seems impossible

Negative thoughts drain your energy and keep you from living in the present. The more you give in to your negative thoughts, the stronger they become. Philippians 4:8 tells us to think of whatever is true, honorable, right, admirable, lovely…and so on. If we keep our eyes focused on our many blessings and learn to revel in what may seem chaotic, there is nothing that can’t be accomplished.

2. Resolve conflict according to “the Matthew 18 principle,” even when differences seem irreconcilable

In stressful times, things that would normally never bother us may create relational challenges. The Matthew 18 principle is a wonderful Biblical framework for solving problems that arise between one another. The principle focuses on the importance of keeping the matter confidential, keeping the circle small, being straightforward, and being forgiving.

3. Plan your schedule carefully when a “calendar crisis” seems inevitable

There is no better time than now to begin planning for the busy months of April and May. Set aside some time each week to sit down as a family and review the coming events, errands, projects, etc. This process won’t give you more hours in a day but it will help you be a better steward of your time and it will reduce stress in your family.

To help you in planning your schedule, I have outlined some of the major school events on the calendar for April and May. As you review these special events, I hope you will keep my Three Keys for Finishing Well in mind.

Special Event List for April & May

  • April 13: US Senior Thesis Presentation-9:27am, Student Center
  • April 18: Parent University-Digital Citizenship & Social Media-8:15am, Field House
  • April 19: Dads’ Bible Study-7:55am
  • April 21: MS/US Choral Concert-7:00pm, Faith Hall
  • April 22: Royal Golf Classic-8:00am, Grand Cypress
  • April 24: Ladies’ Tennis & Tea-8:30am, Country Club of Orlando
  • April 25: MS/US Fine Arts Spring Concert-7:00pm, Faith Hall
  • April 27: Grades 6-12 Steel Drum Concert-6:30pm, Alumni Commons
  • May 2: Parent Association Meeting-8:15am, Faith Hall 301
  • May 3: TFA Dads’ Prayer Time-7:55am, Gym Lobby
  • May 4: National Day of Prayer
  • May 5: Lower School Evening at the Arts-7:30pm, Gym
  • May 6: Lower School Evening at the Arts-7:30pm, Gym
  • May 11: Varsity Athletic Awards Banquet-6:00pm, Faith Hall
  • May 17: Dads’ Bible Study-7:55am
  • May 19: Graduation Ceremony-6:45pm, Worship Center
  • May 24: End of 4th Quarter