Alumni Spotlight: Courtney Fair Thomas
When did you graduate from TFA and where did you go to college?
I graduated from TFA in 2012, and I attended Auburn University.

I met my husband Jake in East Asia on the mission field. Right after college, we both moved to East Asia for two years, where we served on the same team sharing the gospel with students who had never heard the name of Jesus. After that, we moved to Birmingham, AL, and got married. Jake has been in seminary for the past three years while I have been working in marketing and data analytics. During this time, we have been praying about where God might send us after seminary. The Lord has given both of us a heart for church planting, and for the gospel to reach to the ends of the earth.
Jake and I currently attend Grace Fellowship Church in Birmingham, AL. We are preparing to join a church-planting team in Bangkok, Thailand, where we will help establish a network of gospel-centered churches in the city. We will also build relationships with our Thai neighbors and share the hope of Jesus with them. Read more about our plans here.
How did TFA prepare you for the next steps in your life?
My time at TFA definitely had a positive impact not only in my faith, but in my calling to global missions. The Great Commission is built into the rhythm of life at TFA. From apologetics and world religions classes, to weekly chapels, the Lord used it all to shape my heart more and more like His.
What teacher(s) and/or coach(s) had the most impact on your life, why/how?
There were so many teachers at TFA who impacted my life, and I am so grateful for the time I spent learning from them not only in the classroom but by the way they lived. Mr. Kowars taught me to be confident and brave in my writing. Dr. Toenges’ class fueled my budding interest in missions and sharing the gospel with people who have never heard. Mr. Adams and Mrs. Livesay allowed all of us to be ourselves and pursue creativity on stage and off. I am so grateful for all of the teachers and faculty who invested in me. I would not be who I am today without their influence in my life.