Alumni Spotlight: Myung Hun Jin
Myung graduated from TFA in 1996. After high school he attended the University of Illinois-Chicago where he earned his bachelor’s degree in architectural studies. He went on to graduate school at Florida State University where he received his Master’s and Ph.D. degrees. Currently he is an associate professor at the L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia. Myung is happily married and he and his wife MiYoung have three amazing sons, Daniel 8, James 4, and Taylor 3. Needless to say they are their pride and joy and everyday is full of drama at their house.
As a family they attend the Richmond Korean Presbyterian Church where Myung is actively involved with the English speaking service. He is also involved with weekly Bible study.
It is with great joy and fondness when Myung reflects back on his time at TFA. The school made a significant impact on his life and he will forever be grateful. Two faculty members stand out to him and he owes them dearly for the time, energy, and support they poured into his life. Mr. Kavanagh was his Bible teacher and spiritual guidance counselor. Myung was obviously different than other students particularly in terms of the language difficulty. But Mr. Kavanagh treated him no differently. His respect and caring spirit for everyone really made Myung and others feel at home.
Mrs. Schemer was his English teacher. She was the most difficult and fearsome teacher he ever had, not because she was mean but because she had a very high standard and expected a lot from her students. Getting a ‘B’ in her class was impossible for Myung. Although, if he took her class now, he can confidently say that he could earn at least a B!
As he said earlier TFA has been such a blessing. The school truly impacted Myung in every area of his life and he has no idea where he would be today without its strong influence. His faith in God was shaky before he attended TFA. He grew up in a Christian family but he wasn’t exactly a role model when it comes to having a firm faith in God. However TFA showed Myung how to have a strong and firm faith. They put God first in everything they did and this helped him establish a growing relationship with Christ.
Myung loved the family atmosphere at TFA. It was the bonding that he had with everyone that gave him confidence in everything he did during his high school years. As he hears about the school from time to time he smiles because it reminds him of the days he spent here and he will never forget the impact it has had on his life.