Angel Han: Senior Spotlight
What a Grade Level did you start at The First Academy?
Eighth grade.
What were the reasons you or your parents chose The First Academy?
TFA is very distinctive compared to any schools I have attended in China. My family and I chose TFA because of its strong academic curriculum, competitive fine arts and sports programs, and its solid Christian education.
Are you involved in extracurricular activities? If so, what are they and have you received awards in these activities? (These can be affiliated with TFA or outside of school)
TFA Marching Band and Concert Band ( Flute superior ratings at Solo and Ensemble), Tzu Chi youth Sign language Team Coordinator, Tzu Chi youth group leader, and Martial Art.
Which colleges have you applied to and which ones have you been accepted to thus far?
I have applied to Harvard, the University of Florida, and the University of Virginia so far. I am going to apply to Rice University, UNC, Wake Forest, and some other universities. It is still early to know any of the acceptances.
What do you plan to study in college and what are your long-term career goals?
I have not decided on a specific major to pursue yet, but I am thinking between science and finance. And I am still deciding on what career I want to have in the future.
Have you received any college scholarships? If so, which ones? (Or, which ones are you currently nominated for) *
I have not received any scholarships yet, but hopefully, I will by the end of the application season!
Who are some of your favorite TFA teachers, and why? These can be K4-12.
It is really hard to pick my favorite teachers! I love every one of them! I am blessed to have all of these amazing teachers at TFA who always show their love and support to me. I wouldn’t be today’s me without their guidance and encouragement.
In one sentence, what did being a student at The First Academy mean to you?
Being a student at TFA gives me the opportunity to grow both academically and spiritually.
How has TFA made a difference in, or impacted your life?
TFA has impacted me in many ways. From my study at TFA, I have learned to take on every challenge, and I have learned to love and respect everyone in my life.
Do you feel that The First Academy has prepared you for life after graduation?
Yes! I would say TFA has prepared every graduate for life after graduation. Personally, TFA has provided me with a solid platform and a solid foundation to jump higher into my college life. I believe the moral values I learned from TFA will help me tremendously in the future.
What is your favorite memory at TFA?
My favorite memory is the Senior Retreat at Southwind! It was awesome to spend two days just to hang out with friends and worship together. I will never forget the laughter after everyone did the crazy “screamer”, and I will never forget how enthusiastic everyone was during the worship time!