Written by Dr. Steve Whitaker, Head of School

It is always a privilege to re-enroll your children for another year at The First Academy. Enrollment at The First Academy has never been stronger, and we expect classes to fill quickly. Our partnership with your family is based on trust. Our shared mission, vision, and values call us to raise up the next generation of Christian leaders to have an impact on our world. We invite those families who wish to pursue this vision and who desire to continue a relationship of mutual trust to re-enroll for the 2018-2019 school year. Please re-enroll during the time set aside for returning families so your family’s place at The First Academy is secure for the coming school year. Re-enrollment for all current students will begin on January 16, 2018.

This year, you may notice something different when you are moving through the process of re-enrollment. As you wade through the forms and check all of the boxes, you may notice some new information in our enrollment contract. We are transitioning to “Continuous Enrollment” for the 2019-2020 school year and beyond. Rather than an Opt-In annual re-enrollment process, TFA’s annual re-enrollment will become an Opt-Out process beginning in the 2019-2020 school year.

Each year, we ask every family, “Are you coming back?” and then we ask you to go through the cumbersome process of completing endless forms. We have decided to make things easier – no more re-enrollment paperwork will be required after this year.

Once our families are a part of Continuous Enrollment, the typical re-enrollment season (January through February) will simply be a communication reminder from the Business Office that we will automatically re-enroll that student in the next school year, unless you notify us in writing that you wish to end your Continuous Enrollment contract.  If previous years are any indication, that means that over 90% of our TFA families will have to do absolutely nothing to ensure their child is enrolled in the next school year. Thank you for partnering with us and we look forward to serving our families in this way.