What grade level did you start at The First Academy? 

8th Grade


What were the reasons you or your parents chose The First Academy? 

My parents chose The First Academy because they wanted me to have a solid Christian education that was also academically rigorous.


Are you involved in extracurricular activities? If so, what are they and have you received awards in these activities? (These can be affiliated with TFA or outside of school) 

I’ve been a part of volleyball and this year I was a co-captain. I also am involved in student leadership as a House Senior Leader as well as FCA, Blue Crew, Comfort Club, and the Wounded Warrior Club.


Which colleges are you planning to apply to or have you applied to thus far?

I have applied to FSU, UF, University of Alabama, and Clemson University.


What do you plan to study in college and what are your long-term career goals? 

I am not positive what I am going to study in college yet, but I’m thinking about something to do with statistics or engineering. I am unsure of my long-term career goals.


Who are some of your favorite TFA teachers, and why? These can be K4-12.

All the teachers at TFA have impacted my life but some of my favorites include Coach Oliver, Ms. de la Fe, and Mrs. Markowitz.


In one sentence, what did being a student at The First Academy mean to you? 

Being a student at TFA means being not only a leader but also a servant who is hardworking and shares the love of Christ.


How has TFA made a difference in, or impacted your life? 

TFA has impacted my life through the teachers and staff who care about each student individually and want the best for them. I have also been greatly impacted by the friends that I have made who have poured into my life.


Do you feel that The First Academy has prepared you for life after graduation? 

I feel very prepared for life after graduation not only in academics but also in defending my faith. The First Academy has provided me with the tools I need to succeed no matter where I end up.


What is your favorite memory at TFA? 

I have so many great memories from my time at TFA but one of my favorites is this past volleyball season. I’ll always remember my last season and all the fun I had with my team.


How have you grown in your walk with Christ since coming to TFA? 

Since coming to TFA, I have definitely grown in my relationship with Christ. As a middle schooler, I had a surface level relationship but over the course of high school, I’ve grown through trials and experiences. Now my relationship with Christ is personal and I know I can turn to God and He will never leave me.


What was one spiritual insight you gained at TFA that has impacted your life the most? 

One spiritual insight I have gained is that God’s plan for me is greater than what I can imagine. We may think we have it all figured out, but in the end, it’s all in God’s hands and He has it all under control.


What does the school year theme, “Stronger Together,” mean to you and how have you incorporated in your day to day life this year? 

To me, “Stronger Together” means growing alongside each other in Christ regardless of differences. God created us to be in fellowship with each other and lift one another up. I have incorporated this theme into my life by working together with my fellow classmates in leadership positions. No one can go through life alone and it’s important to have people who help you not only in school-related tasks but also in your walk with Christ.