Written by Dr. Kyle Barrett, Director of Spiritual Formation
The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) is one of my favorites. It’s a familiar story Jesus told about a wounded traveler whose help comes from an unlikely source. It’s a story about compassion conquering racial hostility (Samaritans and Jews did not get along!). It’s a story about risk-taking for the good of others. It’s a story about Jesus turning the tables on a lawyer who misunderstood the law and sought to trap Jesus.
Most of all of the parable of the Good Samaritan is a story about the extravagant generosity God has shown us in his son, Jesus. The story of the Samaritan, who goes above and beyond in his care for the wounded traveler, is a wonderful image of what God’s care for us looks like. But, the story also calls us to give of ourselves in the same way. We are never more like God than when we sacrifice gladly and generously for others.
Like the Samaritan, many of you have gone above and beyond to further the mission of the school to raise up a new generation of Christian leaders who are committed to loving God and serving others. As we close out this year and look forward to 2017, we are incredibly grateful for your prayerful support and generous giving to bless the student body at TFA. If you are still interested in supporting the school and the Royal Nation Fund before the close of the calendar year, you may visit https://thefirstacademy.org/giving/give-now/
Thank you for your partnership!