
Partnering for the Next Generation of Christian Leaders


Believing there is much left to be accomplished and understanding that we are humbly dependent on God raising up a new generation of Gospel Patrons, we are fully convinced that God has great plans for our future. By His grace, we will continue to pray that current families will be inspired to lead the way with sacrificial gifts so that we can provide an even greater experience for our own children and the children to follow.

Why do so many The First Academy families choose to support our school financially?

Because your gifts make an impact for Royals today and tomorrow.

Lower School Renovation & Playground Overhaul

The Lower School building, constructed in 1986, is approaching its 40th year and has been a cornerstone of our school community.

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Campus Map

Safety & Security – An Enclosed Campus

The safety and security of our students, faculty, and staff remain one of our top priorities. To further enhance campus security, we plan to complete the perimeter fencing by installing fences and gates along the south and east sides of the campus. This addition will allow us to control access to the campus during school hours. From 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., the only entry point will be through the Lower School gate near Marie Williams Chapel, which will serve all divisions throughout the school day.

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Students in class, working in workbooks and raising their hands

Tuition Assistance

The many blessings we enjoy today are a direct result of the generosity of others. From the Founding Gift by Thomas Gurney, Sr., TFA students have continually benefited from the vision and sacrifices of those who have made their Christ-centered, college preparatory education a reality.

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Faculty and Staff

Professional Development – Retaining Top Tier Faculty & Staff

Our goal is to provide your children with the best possible educational experience, and that starts with an exceptional faculty. Maintaining a high-caliber faculty requires offering top-tier professional development opportunities each year. These opportunities allow our teachers to refine their existing skills and acquire new ones, ensuring they can better serve our students. High-quality professional development also plays a key role in attracting and retaining talented educators. Additionally, we support our faculty in pursuing advanced degrees in their areas of expertise, further enhancing the quality of instruction they provide.

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Chapel Band

Spiritual Formation & The Fine Arts

Our top priority for students is fostering their relationship with Christ. Each week, divisional chapels offer a meaningful time where students lead worship and participate as a class, often creating highlights in their week. This year, we plan to introduce Missions Week, featuring a guest missionary who will share with Middle and Upper School students.

The Fine Arts Department has several needs that, when met, will significantly advance our visual and performing arts programs. The visual arts program requires several 3D printers to expand creative possibilities. The theater department needs audio upgrades in the auditorium to accommodate more students with microphones during performances for all divisions. Furthermore, the Media Production class, one of the most popular in Upper School, is in need of additional audio and visual equipment to support its growing demand.

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Giving FAQ

What is the Royal Nation Fund?

Royal Nation Fund gifts are solicited and given every year to allow TFA to continue to strive for excellence in every area of the school. While tuition covers our daily operations, The Royal Nation Fund allows us to go the extra mile in areas such as technology, tuition assistance, spiritual formation, and other needs as outlined in the Strategic Plan.

What is a Capital Campaign?

Lead Phase and Quiet Phase Capital Campaign gifts are generally larger gifts and pledges, made either as a one-time gift or over a three to five-year period. When the Public Phase of a Capital Campaign begins, the entire school community is engaged to give, at all levels, to reach the final campaign goal. Capital Campaigns fund long-term projects such as new construction and endowment. Capital campaigns occur every five to ten years, while the Royal Nation Fund is a yearly effort.

How can I make a pledge?

Making a pledge is easy! If you would like more information on making a pledge to The First Academy, please contact the Development Office at 407-206-8657 or

What is Planned Giving?

Planned giving is also referred to as gift planning or legacy giving. It is a donor’s intention to contribute a major gift to an organization beyond their lifetime. The First Academy has partnered with a team of experts at the National Christian Foundation who enable us to receive and process most types of planned gifts. A planned gift can benefit not only your immediate family but can help ensure that TFA will continue making an impact on children’s lives for years to come. You may not realize that there are numerous ways for you to give to The First Academy other than cash giving. Our team of experts is able to help facilitate gifts of estate plans, real estate holdings, business interests, and other life-income gifts. Planned giving has numerous benefits, including the possibility of reducing capital gains and gift and estate taxes. If you would like more information on making a planned gift to The First Academy, please contact the Development Office at 407-206-8657 or

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