Diversity at TFA
The First Academy, a Christ-centered school, embraces economic, cultural, and racial diversity. We recognize all persons are uniquely created by God (Psalm 139) and are given specific gifts and abilities which foster a well-rounded learning environment.
- All that we say and do with respect to race and ethnicity will reflect our commitment to the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:19-22
- We will collectively accept responsibility for our failures, we will graciously celebrate our successes, and we will humbly walk together in the spirit of love and forgiveness demonstrating an understanding that until we reach heaven we remain sinners in need of grace and mercy. Romans 3:23 and Ephesians 4:32
- The school will take the primary lead in setting classroom instructional objectives and campus behavioral standards with the home and church as supportive partners. The home will take the lead in discipling the heart and shaping Christian character in the lives of their children through active engagement in the local church and through serving in the community with the school as a supportive partners. Proverbs 22:6 and Deuteronomy 6:6-9
- The school will administer discipline for racial infractions equitably for students of all ethnicities, redemptively with Christlikeness as the objective, and progressively from suspension to expulsion. II Timothy 3:16-17
- We will collectively seek to love one another by assuming the best possible motives when engaging in intercultural communication. 1 Corinthians 13:7
At The First Academy, we embrace a core set of beliefs that inform everything we do and think in terms of economic, cultural, and racial diversity.
First, we believe the power of the Gospel transforms our thoughts,
attitudes, and actions.
“The Messiah has made things up between us so that we’re now together . . . He tore down the wall we used to keep each other at a distance. Instead of continuing with two groups of people separated by centuries of animosity and suspicion, he created a new kind of human being, a fresh start for everybody. Christ brought us together through his death on the cross.”
Left to our own power none of us loves, honors, or respects God or others as we should. Economic, cultural, and racial differences often become showcases for the ugliness of sin. However, the Gospel shows us a better way. It calls out and kills this sin and in its place raises up and empowers a new kind of life which delights in God and willingly sacrifices for the good of others. The Gospel allows us to see our economic, cultural, and racial differences not as reasons to divide but as opportunities to celebrate the goodness and grace of our God.
Second, we believe in the value and dignity of every person.

James 2:8-9: “You do well to obey the Scriptures: “Love others as you love yourself.” But if you play up to these so-called important people, you go against the Rule and stand convicted by it. You can’t pick and choose in these things, specializing in keeping one or two things in God’s law and ignoring others.”
Because every person bears the image of God, they possess inherent value and dignity. This dignity is derived from our being marked by God’s image and is not dependent upon our economic, racial, or cultural status. God not only stamps humanity with his image but also sets us into particular cultures at particular times. Like a master craftsman who meticulously refines and perfects, God has given each of us a particular cultural heritage with which to glorify him. This variety is not merely to be tolerated but to be celebrated and embraced for the good gift it is.
Third, we believe in the wisdom and beauty of God’s design for humanity.

Psalm 139:
“I am marvelously made! You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth; all the stages of my life were spread out before you, Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful! God, I’ll never comprehend them! I couldn’t even begin to count them— any more than I could count the sand of the sea.”
Frederick Douglass said, “I know of no rights of race superior to the rights of humanity.” To be human is a staggering reality. God – who created from nothing – made each and every man, woman, boy, and girl in His image, which is to say that in our humanity we all bear the marks of our maker. He has uniquely designed humanity so that we might live in community with him (and each other!) and enjoy him (and each other!) forever.
Fourth, we believe the best about every member of our school community.

John 17: 20-22:
“The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—just as you, Father, are in me and I in you, so they might be one heart and mind with us. Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me. The same glory you gave me, I gave them, so they’ll be as unified and together as we are—I in them and you in me. Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, and give the godless world evidence that you’ve sent me and loved them in the same way you’ve loved me.”
As God’s image-bearers and as members of the school community, we follow the teaching of John 17 and believe the best about each other, to create a culture of mutual respect, and to encourage deep affection for one another. The fruit of these labors is a learning environment which shapes not only the mind but the heart as well and produces the kind of people who are prepared to be God-exalting, others-focused leaders in their homes, churches, and communities.
Diversity Teams
Since The First Academy started in 1987, the school has embraced students of all colors who desire a Christian school education. That commitment began with our founding Senior Pastor at FBO, Jim Henry. It continues with our current Senior Pastor, David Uth. Under the leadership of our Head of School, Dr. Steve Whitaker, Diversity Committees were created to ensure guidance through evolving times. Participants include board members, parents, and staff. The Diversity Committees review the school culture, curriculum, student discipline practices, Human Resources processes, and the school’s philosophy/position statements to identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth. As a result of their work, a wide range of diversity initiatives have successfully moved our school toward greater diversity and belonging for all stakeholders. Today, we are still growing as a community of Christ-followers who desire to experience Oneness in all that we say and do (Eph. 4:3-6). Our story is one of perseverance, not perfection.
The Diversity Task Force members are Clark Keator (Board Chair), Archbishop Allen Wiggins (Board Member), Bishop-Elect Derrick McRae (Board Member), Laura Eitel (Board Member), Gissel Valois (Director of Strategic Initiatives), Will Cohen (Director of Athletics), Tarrik Mabon (Director of Student Discipleship and Culture), and Stephanie Clark (Upper School Assistant Vice Principal). The Diversity Task Force will guide the responses of TFA in the areas of racial harmony and campus unity. When issues arise, the Diversity Task Force will serve as spokespersons alongside the Head of School.
Lower School: Sarah Rosario, Dean Middleton, Corey Gilchrist, Kerry Ann Cole, Katherine Owen
Middle & Upper School: Christy Requejo, David Blackwell, Dave Oliver, Florence Pierre-Louis
Additional Resources
Do Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly
A Prayer for Oneness in the wake of the death of George Floyd
Steve D. Whitaker, Ph.D. (Head of School)
June 3, 2020
On behalf of The First Academy, I join our sponsoring church First Orlando in praying for those who grieve, repenting for our transgressions, and asking for divine healing in the midst of our brokenness (2 Chronicles 7:14).
“Today, we want to say boldly and clearly that we stand against and object to all forms of racism, bigotry, hate and abuse. Like Jesus, we desire to align with and identity with, and love the marginalized, mistreated and abused. We grieve over the recent death of George Floyd in Minneapolis and call for abuses like these to be addressed with speed and justice. We understand that in the hearts of our fellow citizens of color incidents like these connect to a long history of abuse and unequal justice in our country. We thank God for our law enforcement officers that bravely risk their lives for the sake of others and uphold justice with dignity and integrity, we also lament when some law enforcement officers misuse their authority and bring unnecessary harm on the people they are called to protect. We pray for our local, state, and national leaders as they seek justice, and call on them to act quickly and diligently to ensure that these situations are brought to an end.” – Danny de Armas, Senior Associate Pastor First Orlando
The message of the Gospel is clear. We must love others and serve others the way Jesus did (John 15:13). We must do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly (Micah 6:8). Today we ask in faith, believing that our Heavenly Father will bring beauty from ashes and hope from despair (Isaiah 61:3). May His church be a light in the darkness pointing to the One who brings rest and peace and the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (John 3:16).
I want to share with you a message on Oneness from Tony Evans.
Completed Action Steps and Future Plans
In order to strengthen our school community, The First Academy secured feedback from parents, students, faculty, school leadership, and the School Board by hosting a series of strategic planning sessions with six “Diversity Teams.” The following action steps were adopted as a result of their work:
- TFA will create a short-term plan that outlines specific action steps that will be taken by the school: Action Step Completed
- TFA will create a separate category for racial infractions that falls under the harassment section in discipline handbook: Action Step Completed
- TFA will formally adopt and publish the Diversity Statement for current and future families to read and understand: Action Step Completed
- TFA will state that racial language and/or actions that are insensitive, hostile, offensive, or intimidating, result in mandatory in-school suspension as the lowest level of discipline, but could escalate to out-of-school suspension or expulsion: Action Step Completed
- TFA will direct all incidents involving race to be reviewed by a council before discipline is administered: Action Step Completed
- TFA will direct that if a student is involved in a subsequent racial incident, the discipline administered will progress automatically to the next level of severity, which may include dismissal: Action Step Completed
- TFA will continue its efforts to purposely enroll minority students and employ minority faculty and staff, especially at the leadership level: Action Step Advanced / Ongoing
- TFA will update the professional development plan for faculty / staff, and the Head of School will highlight its importance: Action Step Completed
- TFA will highlight local outreach opportunities for students and families to take advantage of along with their churches: Action Step Advanced / Ongoing
- TFA will encourage faculty and staff to participate in existing ministry and service opportunities within their local communities: Action Step Advanced / Ongoing
- TFA will create a network of strategic ministry partners within the community: Action Step Completed
- TFA will develop a comprehensive and aspirational strategy to elevate diversity and inclusion within our curriculum: Action Step Completed
- TFA will conduct an internal assessment of our current curriculum to identify and leverage existing best practices: Action Step Completed
- TFA will engage an external resource to review our current curriculum with respect to understanding what the Gospel says about ethnic and racial diversity: Action Step Completed
- TFA will develop a communication strategy to demonstrate the school’s commitment to the important value of diversity: Action Step Completed
- TFA will create a long-term professional development plan that outlines how diversity training will be incorporated at all levels: Action Step Completed
Fostering an Inclusive Community
“The First Academy is committed to providing an inclusive community that celebrates God’s design and equips adult and student leaders to be relationship builders. We want our Living Curriculum Influencers and students to use their diverse experiences, identities, abilities, and passions to reach the nations with the good news of Jesus Christ.”
Over the last 30 years, we have grown to become an increasingly multicultural and economically diverse community.
- Ethnic Diversity of Students
- 2003-04: 8.0%
- 2022-23: 40.0%
- Ethnic Diversity of Employees
- 2003-04: 7.4%
- 2019-20: 23.0%
- Ethnic Diversity of Tuition Assistance Recipients
- 2022-23: 44% white, 56% non-white

- On-Going Multi-Cultural Awareness: The First Academy provides multi-cultural awareness opportunities for students and faculty throughout the school year. For example, Jim Sawgrass spends time with our 4th Grade classes each year to share Florida Native American history, Lower School students spend time illustrating Hispanic Heritage month.
- January 2020: TFA hosted an intimate version of Beyond Colorblind (seeing the gospel through ethnicity) for families at Parent University. Students participated in the annual Poetry Out Loud competition, which features the poetic works of a variety of diverse authors.
- December 2019: Students and parents engage with the testimony of Columbine survivor Craig Scott in the MS/US assemblies and Parent University, Value Up. Our community explored the impact of valuing the personhood of others and creating a unified and healthy school culture.
- October 2019: Faculty and Staff participated in an InterVarsity led workshop, Beyond Colorblind. Beyond Colorblind engages participants with the Gospel through race and ethnicity. It was designed to disciple students into conversations that will transform their campus, as students learn to share the Gospel through their ethnic stories. Integrating evangelism, discipleship, and reconciliation, the Beyond Colorblind workshop equipped our community to articulate how God is redeeming what is broken and highlighting what is beautiful both in their ethnic journey and in the world.”
- August 2019: All new faculty and staff completed Share Your Story, a cultural competence training piece focusing on using the gift of your ethnic story to build relationship bridges with others and point them toward Jesus.
- August 2019: 6-9th grade students explored the resource tool, Speak Up at School to equip users to respond to unkind/ hurtful language, actions, or jokes.
- August 2019: 10-12th grade students spent time connecting with one another and serving others through projects with TFA lower school, Clean the World, and Mustard Seed of Central Florida.
Mustard Seed of Central Florida The mission of The Mustard Seed of Central Florida is to help rebuild the lives of families and individuals who have suffered disaster or personal tragedy by providing household furnishings and clothing while being environmentally responsible to our community.
- April 2019: Third grade students brought biographies of famous women and men to life in their annual Wax Museum. Students researched and presented work highlighting the contributions of a diverse set of Americans, with highlights of how their lives reflect God’s glory!
- March 2019: Students celebrated Women’s History Month through fun daily trivia competitions in the Upper and Middle School as well as hearing about the amazing contributions of women throughout the school year.
- Upper School student leaders joined students from across the state for the Micah 6:8 Student Leadership Conference on March 13, 2019 at TFA. Workshops equipped Christian student leaders with the tools to begin making a difference in their spheres of influence. Topics covered were poverty & homelessness, human trafficking & unsafe relationships, stress and time management, race & grace, spiritual leadership/ discipling others, and being bridge builders across the political divide.
Micah 6:8 Conference
- February 2019: All across campus students and teachers celebrated Black History Month by exploring the lives and contributions of our brothers and sisters in the African American community. The projects, movies, stories, and activities that your child participated in this month, along with the concepts that are integrated into our curriculum all year long, reinforced some important truths about God. Students learned that He is faithful, He uses ordinary people like them to do extraordinary things, and that He transforms every circumstance into an opportunity for growth and gospel sharing.
- January 2019: This year’s Poetry Out Loud showcased Works by an impressive collection of works by poets who reflect the diverse experiences found across the globe. Authors included: George Gordon, Robert Frost, Carmen Gimenez Smith, Garret Hongo, Julia Ward Howe, May Sarton, Jane Cooper, H.D., Stevie Smith, Wendell Berry, Kwame Dawes, Seamus Heaney, Ellen Bass, Ernest Dowson, Nick Flynn, and Marianne Moore
- November 2018- Upper School and Middle School students honored US Veterans at our annual Veteran’s Day Chapel. In addition to recognizing our fallen soldiers, the work of our brave military personnel, and our local law enforcement officers, our school honored and explored the unique contributions of women and African Americans in our armed forces.
- October 2018- 8th graders explored America’s heritage through a Biblical worldview focused trip to Washington, DC. On that trip, students had the opportunity to interact with the life, history, and culture of Africans Americans while touring the Museum of African American History and learned to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity through engaging with the living memorial to the Holocaust at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
- The First Academy Alum, Austin Josiah, invited three TFA seniors to participate in Morgan Stanley’s Early Insight Day in New York City.
- The First Academy juniors had the amazing opportunity to serve joyfully at The Lighthouse Emerging Vision Breakfast. This event recognizes and celebrates Lighthouse stakeholders and community partners who endeavor to champion the cause of inclusion for Central Floridians who live with blindness and vision loss.
The First Academy promotes unity, embraces diversity, and strives to create an inclusive campus culture where students are prepared for life as Christian leaders. As we work to disciple and equip the next generation, we think globally- with our eyes toward the great commission of reaching all nations. We are energized by the progress we are making to recruit, retain, and grow faculty and students who reflect the wonderful Kingdom to come. - Grades 3-12 joined over 2 million people around the world in learning God’s word through the Walk Thru the Bible experience. Students saw and heard stories of how the same Bible memory techniques they learned are being replicated on every continent across the globe!
11th Grade Service Day: Aug 9
TFA juniors explored the school year theme, Built 2 Last, by serving our greater Orlando community through a variety of city service projects. Student partnered with the following community organizations:
- Second Harvest Food Bank
Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida is a private, nonprofit organization that collects, stores and distributes donated food to more than 550 feeding partners in six Central Florida counties: Brevard, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole and Volusia. Last year, with the help of numerous donors, volunteers and a caring, committed community, the food bank distributed nearly 56 million meals to partner programs such as food pantries, soup kitchens, women’s shelters, senior centers, day care centers and Kids Cafes. - Children’s Home Society
Children’s Home Society of America is a national nonprofit leader and advocate dedicated to improving the lives of children and families in America. We provide a comprehensive spectrum of services to create healthy children and strong families. Agencies provide several services for adoption, early learning, child and family counseling, foster care, family stabilization and support, parent education, and advocacy. - United Against Poverty
United Against Poverty’s mission is to serve those in poverty by providing crisis care, case management, transformative education, food and household subsidy, employment training and placement, personal empowerment training and active referrals to other collaborative social service providers. - Clean the World
Clean the World is a social enterprise with the mission of saving millions of lives around the world. Clean the World leads a Global Hygiene Revolution to distribute recycled soap and hygiene products from more than 5,000+ hotel and resort partners to children and families in countries with a high death rate due to acute respiratory infection (pneumonia) and diarrheal diseases (cholera) – which are two of the top killers of children under 5. Since 2009, Clean the World has distributed more than 41 million bars of soap in 118 countries. - TFA hosted the Micah 6:8 Leadership Summit. Student leaders from across the state of Florida participated in worship, a keynote address, panel discussion, and a workshop featuring the following guests:
- Dr. Joel Hunter – retired Senior Pastor of Northland Church, Chairman of the Community Resource Network, a non-profit organization that focuses on helping the marginalized – specifically homeless families. Dr. Hunter also serves as the Chairman of the Central Florida Commission on Homlessness. He leads ‘A Community Conversation’ setting a framework for understanding social issues that impact all of us and providing connections to opportunities to help. Each week, social issues experts help to set the tone for delivering solutions through practical action steps.
- Phil Hissom – Founder and Executive Director of The Polis Institute. The Polis Institute champions human dignity by designing solutions to the social problems that infringe upon it. Polis Institute works to engage the community, equip community leaders, and evaluate the overall progress of the revitalization effort.
- David Outing – Founder, President, and Chief Encouragement Officer of Corporate Care Partners. Since 1985, David has provided spiritual care, advice, and encouragement for people in times of need. His previous experience includes serving as the Director and Ministry Relations Pastor for the Jobs Partnership of Florida. Chaplain Outing has served the Orange County Sheriff’s Dept. since 2001 as a volunteer chaplain.
- Summer reading assignments and book lists K4-12 were updated to include quality literature that reflects a variety of perspectives and experiences, curricular connections, and a biblical worldview focus.
- May 9 – First and Sixth Graders hosted their annual events, ‘International Day’ and ‘Missions Fest’, both exploring and celebrating people groups across the world and God’s great love for them.
- Winter 2018-Planning for the summer reading initiative is already underway, with LS, MS, and US teachers and administrators working together to provide increased choice, a number of perspectives, and defined purpose to the summer reading lists/projects
- Winter 2018-TFA promotes Surge Weekend, a conference for students, grades 6-12. Surge combines high-energy, large group worship sessions with in-home small group discussion. Special guests include a variety of multicultural perspectives. Teaching from Jeff Wallace and Jose Rodriguez, worship from Liberty Collective, and a concert with Andy Mineo will be highlights.
- January 2018-Poetry Out Loud 2018 showcased the incredible talent of our students! The students performed works that represent a number of authors from diverse backgrounds. Some of the authors represented were Gary Soto, Langston Hughes, Linda Pastan, Yusef Komunyakaa, Jimmy Baca, Alice Moore Dunbar Nelson, and Maya Angelou.
- January 2018- TFA partners with Nemnet to assist in the recruitment and retention of diverse teachers, administrators and coaches.
- February 2018- TFA shared “At the Table with Dr. King”, a multi-media presentation celebrating the impactful life and lasting legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with Middle and Upper School students, faculty, families, and community members on February 1, 2018
- February 2018- TFA is delighted to host a 3W Chinese New Year celebration on February 15, 2018.
- TFA has launched planning for the Micah 6:8 Initiative, a gathering of select student and community leaders who will engage in Gospel conversations regarding the most difficult social challenges of our day. The purpose of the initiative is to inspire students to take personal initiative in supporting Gospel-centered transformation.
- Faculty and Staff began a six-part series of diversity workshops entitled, “Diversity and Identity.” In the workshops participants explore identity and how it connects to their role at TFA. Participants build trust, community, and explore sometimes uncomfortable diversity conversations in a welcoming, affirmative, and safe environment.
- In 2003, ethnic minorities made up 8% of the TFA student population. By 2016-17, this number had increased to 35% and is currently up to 38% for the 2017-18 school year.
- After the tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, the Head of School called an impromptu prayer service for all 7th – 12th grade students on August 21st, 2017 to lift up our city, nation, and world. What was intended to be a 20-minute prayer service lasted an hour as students of all ages poured out their hearts before the Lord.
- The important value of diversity is one of four essential topics that TFA asked the Florida Council of Independent Schools visiting team to explore and evaluate during its 5-year accreditation visit in September 2017.
- The 2017-18 chapel schedule was completed with an intentional focus on diversity, and ethnic minorities make up nearly 60% of chapel speakers.
- Dr. Walter Strickland will return to The First Academy on November 2nd and 3rd to deliver a chapel message to students and a professional development keynote presentation to all faculty and staff.
- In June of 2017, Dr. Walter Strickland, Vice President for Kingdom Diversity at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and 1st Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention, led the full TFA Leadership Team in a professional development workshop entitled, “Diversity in Christian Education, Understanding and Applying the Gospel as School Leaders.”
- Spring 2017 Progress Summary: Under the direction of the School Board, The First Academy Leadership Team is currently executing a 12-month plan initiated in January of 2017 to carefully address the diversity recommendations approved by the School Board on November 11th, 2016. Nearly 40% of the 12-month plan was completed in the first four months. All initiatives in the plan have been advanced, and 100% completion will be achieved by December of 2017.
- Fall 2017 Progress Summary: The final phase of the diversity action step completion plan is underway. The remaining action steps are in progress and are scheduled to be completed by the end of January 2018.
- May 2019: Students in the lower school had a wonderful time exploring the nations during International Day Centers and Missions Fest 2019. Students across campus also explored the contributions of notable Asian American/ Pacific Islander and Jewish Americans in celebration of Asian American/Pacific Islander and Jewish American Heritage month.
- Upper School Principal attended a 2-day ISM Seminar led by Dr. Derrick Gay entitled, “The Double-Edged Sword of Diversity.”
- The Assistant Head of School for Teaching and Learning and the Executive Director for Leadership and Professional Development attended the Educational Justice Conference, hosted by Bethune Cookman University in July of 2017. The conference theme was “Connecting with Diverse and Underrepresented Youth of Today.”
- Faculty and Staff Discussion Guide for Charlottesville sent by Head of School to all TFA employees on August 14th, 2017.
- Leroy Kinard serves as the Director of the Diversity Committee and oversees all diversity initiatives at The First Academy.
Completed Action Steps and Future Plans
Additional Resources
The First Academy is committed to building a community of students, faculty, staff, and leaders who reflect and celebrate Christ-centered diversity and inclusion. For further information, please review the following resources:
- There’s Always a Better Tomorrow Article from Focus on the Family
- Compassion Explorer – Christian multicultural resource featuring activities, devotions, stories about how kids live around the world and how kids are serving for the kingdom.
- School Board Subcommittee on Diversity- Please see the Diversity Task Force and Divisional Diversity Subcomittees above.
- Focus on the Family
- Faculty and Staff Discussion Guide on Charlottesville
- Diversity in Christian Education – Understanding & Applying the Gospel as Teachers
- Reading List for Missional Parents Raising Globally Minded Kids
- Letter from Pastor David Uth
- Letter from Bishop Allen Wiggins
- Unity in Diversity
- Chapel Comments on Diversity from August 2016:
Completed Action Steps and Future Plans
Members of the TFA family offer insight on their experience at The First Academy.
“We have been a part of the TFA family for over 25 years. Because it is a Christ-centered school, The First Academy is a place that openly welcomes and supports students of all races and ethnic backgrounds like my own family. I could not be more grateful for the countless hours the faculty, staff, coaches, and leaders have poured into my children.”
Victor Thomas
Upper School Parent
“As a new parent, I feel so blessed to have my daughter at The First Academy. Although the start to the 2016-17 school year was a bit rough due to the sensitive student incident involving race, it brought an opportunity for me to see what TFA stands for, and the school has surpassed my expectations by far. The teachers and parents that I have met in the last couple of months have been amazing. Even in hard times, I have seen Christ in the faculty, staff, and leadership, and we are so excited and happy to be at The First Academy.”
Ramon Quinones
Lower School Parent
“I love The First Academy. As a graduate of the school and now a staff member and coach, I have experienced all that TFA offers. This is a place that values every individual, regardless of race or ethnicity, and I am excited about what the Lord is doing on our campus.”
Tierra Brown
Class of 2007, The First Academy
“My parents and I immigrated to the United States from South Korea when I was entering the 3rd grade. I have been a part of many schools, but during my years at The First Academy as a parent and staff member, I have witnessed our school grow and strengthen in academics, spiritual development, and diversity. Many of us look different on the outside, but we all have one goal which is to exemplify Christ at TFA. I am excited to see how God transforms our school in the many years to come for the future generation of students!”
Joyce Kwak
Director of College Guidance, The First Academy
“I grew up in a depressed area of Arlington, Texas, but God has led me on an incredible journey of coaching and mentoring young people. I have worked at The First Academy for almost two years and made many friends. TFA is a strong and diverse community, and I am so blessed by the opportunity to serve alongside godly men and women who are passionate about serving students.”
Alvin Alexander
Assistant Athletic Director, The First Academy
“We have experienced incredible growth at The First Academy in recent years, and I praise the Lord for His favor on us. The TFA family includes students, families, teachers, and leaders from all walks of life, and we are committed to meeting the needs of this diverse school community. God is doing a great work among us, and I look forward to the days ahead.”
Bishop Allen Wiggins
School Board Member, The First Academy
“The key question with respect to spiritual formation and school culture is not one of admissions, meaning which students can get in and which students can’t. The question is, “Do we have teachers in the classroom who are engaged in and capable of leading students to the feet of Jesus?” I believe we have the best faculty in the world and that Dr. Whitaker is leading us to fulfill the mission I desire for TFA – to reach the nations with the Gospel.”
Dr. David Uth
Senior Pastor, First Baptist Orlando