School Board

The First Academy School Board exists to make viability-focused decisions for the next generation of students who will attend The First Academy. This is done by focusing on the mission, funding the vision, and leaving a legacy of existence for our children’s children. Creating a strong organizational framework is key and includes:

  • Policy Recommendations (Advise and Consent): The School Board will advise (recommend a course of action) the Head of School/President in the formation and evaluation of policies and consent (accept a course of action) with regard to the implementation of policies as outlined in the TFA Policy Manuals.
  • Projects Implementation (Extend the Reach): The School Board will extend the effectiveness and impact of the Head of School/President by giving of their time, talent, and treasure and encouraging others to do the same.
  • Promotional Assistance (Influence and Assist): The School Board will influence and assist the school in setting a positive tone in the various communities served. When negative attitudes and actions threaten to harm the ministry of TFA, School Board members will assist in dealing with such issues.
  • Planning the Future (Wisdom and Counsel): The School Board assists the Head of School/President in development and execution of the strategic plan.

School Board Members

clark keator

Clark Keator

School Board

Brian Blair

School Board

Nikki Kearn

School Board

Archbishop Allen Wiggins

School Board

Bishop Derrick McRae

School Board

Will Grindle

School Board