Framework for a Great School Year
Welcome to The First Academy! As a Christ-centered, college-preparatory school, it is our goal to partner with parents in teaching and training a generation of young people to have a mature faith in Jesus, a love for learning, the ability to communicate articulately, the courage to lead, and a heart to serve. Our goal is to provide world-class teaching and learning in the context of life-changing spiritual formation.
In this Parent/Student Handbook are the policies that will guide our partnership. These statements are not intended to be restrictive and legalistic, but rather enlightening and liberating. The items in this handbook do not define who is and who is not a Christ-follower. They are not intended to be a measure of our Christian faith. Should a student behave in a manner contrary to what is written, we will never judge that student’s relationship with Jesus. Similarly, when the guidelines call for consequences to be dispensed, this does not mean that the teacher or administrator is behaving in an “unchristian” manner.
In the most simple and clear terms, I want to invite you to think of this document as guardrails for protection and community standards that help us live in harmony with one another. Someone said, “You rarely notice guardrails until you are in an accident where one saves your life. Furthermore, the damage done by hitting a guardrail is minor when compared to what could have happened if it had not been there.” No student begins the school year with plans to ruin their year by getting in trouble. Parents do not enroll students in hopes of engaging in conflict with teachers, coaches, and administrators. Knowing that we have set up guardrails that will keep us out of danger. We have established community standards that will foster healthy relationships. When we all embrace these ideas, great things can be accomplished in the lives of students.
The Apostle Paul said, “Be very careful how you live, not as unwise but as wise . . . make the most of every opportunity” (Ephesians 5:15-17). King Solomon said, “The wise man sees trouble ahead and changes his direction, the fool sees the same thing and just keeps on going (Proverbs 27:12). By reading, understanding, and following these guidelines and guardrails, we will have joy that comes from living in a supportive community whose members have a common purpose and pursue wisdom.
The Most Important Elements: Gospel-Centered School Culture
These items are designed to bolster the relationship between home, church, and school. These items do not define who is and who is not a Christ-follower. They are not a measure of one’s spiritual maturity. They are simply a set of principles that guide our partnership with parents in raising the next generation of Christian leaders and maintaining a healthy school culture marked by joy, gratitude, and kindness. When someone makes a mistake, we will not judge their relationship with Jesus. Similarly, when certain behaviors require consequences, we will not describe those administering the consequences as “unchristian” or “unkind” for following through as outlined in the school handbook and in this document. We strive to have a healthy culture where what we believe, say, and do all align.
Parents agree to the Parent-Student Handbook and Most Important Elements of our Vibrant Gospel Centered School Culture upon completion of the enrollment agreement.